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Difference between caregiver and caretaker

People often use the words “caretaker” and “caregiver” alternatively. Interestingly, although these terms might sound the same, there are major differences between them. In our daily lives, we seek the services of both caregivers and caretakers. So, it is important to understand the difference between caregiver and caretaker

Caregiving is indispensable for protecting people who are incapable of handling their daily activities and health requirements. A caregiver is a person who provides care for another person, often someone who is elderly, mentally or physically ill, disabled, or otherwise unable to take care of themselves. The term “caregiver” is used in healthcare and social services. Caregivers can be family members, friends, or professionals who provide physical, emotional, and sometimes medical support. They are in charge of executing multiple responsibilities associated with the well-being of the person.

On the other hand, a caretaker is generally a person who is in charge of taking care of a place or a property; they are appointed for homecare services. Although sometimes this term applies to someone who looks after people, it is commonly associated with maintaining buildings, grounds, or other assets. Also, a caretaker usually does not require any training to provide medical or emotional support. 

This blog is focused on finding out what is the difference between a caregiver and a caretaker. We will offer you detailed information on the roles and responsibilities of each of these professionals, the differences between them, and the specific categories of caregivers and caretakers.

Are you looking for a care provider? 

Get in touch with Aayan Global, one of the most reputed providers of home care and nursing services.  

Role & Responsibilities of a Caregiver & Caretaker

A key difference between caregivers and caregivers lies in their roles and responsibilities. Therefore in this segment, we state the duties of these professionals.

Roles and Responsibilities of Caregivers

Here are some of the common responsibilities of caregivers or care providers.

Physical Care Emotional and social support Document and record keeping Health monitoring Safety and emergency preparedness Specific care plans
A caregiver is responsible for assisting the patient with day-to-day activities like bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, toileting, and more. They are also in charge of offering mobility assistance to them. Also, a caregiver is hired to provide home health aid. They administer medications and monitor vital signs while preparing meals and feeding them. Many patients and elderly people go through some emotional issues; they also feel neglected and lonely. A caregiver elevates the quality of the patient’s well-being by providing emotional support, engaging in conversations, and participating in social activities. They also encourage their clients to engage in hobbies, play games, and stay preoccupied. You can trust them to keep track of medical appointments, medications, and treatments. They can also help in managing your bills and budgets and maintaining financial records if required. One of the main points of caregiver and caretaker difference is that a caregiver can be trusted with health monitoring. They keep an eye on the patient’s condition and make note of any changes in health or behaviour. They also communicate with healthcare professionals, family members, and caregivers about the patient’s help to get some advice and opinions about the patient’s well-being. You can hire a care assistant to monitor the living environment and ensure that it is safe for the patient. In case of any hazards, they can tackle the situation and make necessary adaptations. These professionals are trained to respond to emergencies and save people by administering first aid whenever required. They are also responsible for developing and following personalised care plans based on the individual’s specific health conditions, preferences, and objectives.

Roles and Responsibilities of Caretakers

In the previous segment, we covered the responsibilities of a caregiver. Let us look at the duties of a caretaker now

Property maintenance and management Safety and Security Administrative Duties Tenant and Occupant support Specialized caretaking Duties Environmental and sustainability practices
A caretaker is responsible for performing regular maintenance tasks including cleaning, repairs, and general upkeep of buildings, grounds, and facilities. They conduct regular inspections to address maintenance needs, safety hazards, and other issues. They also ensure that the outdoor areas including lawns, gardens, and walkways are maintained properly. Property owners often maintain the property's security by monitoring access, managing security systems, and responding to alarms or emergencies. They ensure that the property meets safety standards and regulations including fire safety, electrical safety, and building codes. They also help you with administrative duties like record keeping and budget management. The records help the owners track any important event that happens on the property. By maintaining budgets for maintenance, and repairs, and tracking the expenses they help in making cost-effective decisions Caretakers assist tenants or occupants to cater to their needs and problems. They also resolve conflicts between tenants or occupants to maintain a harmonious environment. Apart from the usual tasks that a caretaker does there are some specialized caretaking duties that they perform including animal care (which involves feeding, grooming, cleaning), childcare, and Medical equipment maintenance and servicing. They also manage waste disposal and recycling programs to ensure environmentally friendly practices. By implementing and promoting sustainability initiatives caretakers try to ensure an eco-friendly living experience.

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Different Types of Caregivers & Caretakers

In this blog, we are discussing the difference between caretakers and caregivers. We establish the difference with respect to various factors like the duties and their categories. Here we point out the different types of caregivers and caretakers.

Different types of caregivers

There are several categories of care providers. Each type has a unique and vital role in supporting the health and well-being of individuals with different needs.

types of caregivers

They are family members who offer care to a relative; usually, they do not have any formal training and charge no compensation for their services. They can assist with any sort of activity including medical appointments, emotional support, and managing medications.

They are individuals whom the patient party hires to offer care services. Often they have formal training and certification. They are in charge of providing medical and personal care, companionship, and specialized support.

They offer comfort and support to individuals with terminal illnesses or severe chronic conditions. They specialize in managing pain and symptoms, providing emotional and spiritual support, and assisting with end-of-life planning.

Pediatric caregivers are ones who specialize in caring for children, especially those with support needs. These caregivers manage medical needs, provide educational support, and help individuals with daily activities.

Caregivers work as nursing supports in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and other places. Not only do they offer medical and personal care but they also offer social activities within a facility setting.

Different types of caretakers

Is a caretaker and caregiver the same?

No, they are not. 

The difference can be clearly understood when we look at the different categories of caretakers and caregivers. Here are some common types of caretakers.

A housekeeper is a type of caretaker who is responsible for keeping the homes clean and maintaining a hygienic living condition. They usually manage activities like sweeping, vacuuming, cleaning, moping and emptying the trash cans. They may also help with cleaning windows, doors, and other structures of the house.

A maintenance technician is also a type of caretaker; they are responsible for the regular upkeep of the property. Any task from routine maintenance, minor repairs, and other regular maintenance activities falls under the job role of a technician. They are in charge of fixing equipment, light fixtures, fittings, and building systems to ensure their working. Also, they are often appointed to check machinery, equipment, and important systems like air conditions, escalators, and more.

A child caretaker is a special type of caretaker. In place of taking care of a property or equipment, a child caretaker helps with taking care of the child. They ensure that the kid stays comfortable and feels safe at all times. A child caregiver is in charge of assisting children with their homework and extra-curricular projects like art and dance. They keep track of the child’s growth and progress and inform the parent about the same.

An animal caretaker can help you take care of your pets. They can manage a wide range of pet care services including monitoring the pet’s health, taking them for walks, cleaning them, cooking meals for them, and feeding them. An animal caregiver can even help you take your pets to the doctor, and manage them in a crowded or unfamiliar environment.

A security officer is a type of caretaker who is in charge of looking after the security of the property and protecting it. They ensure that the house is safe to live in and take action in case of any break-ins or emergencies like a fire. The job of a property safety officer comes with a lot of responsibilities; often they require some special training to do their job more.

Key Differences between a caregiver and a caretaker

We have reached the most awaited segment of the blog. Here we finally explore the difference between caregiver and caretaker. 



  • A caregiver is responsible for offering patient and elderly care including bathing, dressing, cleaning, and more. It also manages medical needs like administering medication and monitoring health 
  • A caretaker on the other hand is responsible for the maintenance and repair of properties buildings or estates. They ensure the security and proper functioning of the property. 
  • A caregiver might need specific training and certifications. Also, they might be required to undergo constant training to stay updated with modern healthcare practices. 
  • A caretaker requires knowledge of maintenance, repair, and landscaping. They might require certifications or licenses for specific tasks
  • Caregivers usually work in home settings, nursing homes, hospitals, and assisted living facilities. 
  • Most caretakers work in residential buildings, commercial properties, parks, and estates. They are employed by private owners, property management companies, or public entities.
  • A caregiver might often develop a close trust-based relationship with the care recipient. 
  • The caretaker on the other hand does not necessarily develop a close relationship with the homeowner. They are in charge of adhering to the safety standards of the building. 
  • A caregiver can be a family member or a professional. Usually, the family members offer the service free of cost but a professional caregiver charges for the services.
  • The role of a caretaker is a paid one. Their salaries depend on their expertise and scope of responsibilities. Live-in caretakers usually receive some additional benefits.   
  • They help patients and the elderly manage their emotional and psychological well-being. Moreover, they offer companionship to these people through social interaction and mental health.   
  • On the other hand caretakers address and resolve property-related issues. It is their responsibility to anticipate and prevent potential maintenance problems.


Both caregivers and caretakers are two of the most demanded professionals crucial for helping people. Many of us are under the impression that they are the same. However, this is not the case. In this blog, we explored the difference between caregivers and caretakers. We found that while a caregiver is focused on elderly care and patient care, a caretaker is generally responsible for maintaining a property or a house.  We further researched and presented the detailed role of both these professionals to help you make the right choice depending on your requirement. By stating the prominent caretaker and caregiver differences we further help you understand the variations clearly. 

If you are someone who is looking for a caregiver or a caretaker in Mangalore, then Aayan Global can help you out. 

Click here to know more.

Frequently Ask Questions

Our Insights

1. Can family members be paid as caregivers?

Yes, you can compensate a family member for offering healthcare services. You can start by speaking with them and clearly stating the services that you will require and also inquire about the kind of compensation they are expecting.

2. How can I find a professional caregiver?

You can find a professional caregiver through home care agencies, healthcare facilities, or personal referrals. Often, online platforms and local community resources are also helpful.

3. What is respite care?

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4. How can I hire a reliable caretaker?

Well, there are several agencies especially offering property care and security services. You can get in touch with them. You can also trust property management companies, personal referrals, online job platforms, and other local community boards to find a reliable caretaker.

5. What is the difference between a live-in and live-out caretaker?

A live-in caretaker resides on the property. They are available for all types of emergencies. On the other hand, a live-out caretaker commutes to the property and works regular hours.

6. How do I ensure the quality of care provided by a caregiver?

Here are some ways by which anyone can evaluate the caregiver’s performance Monitor the caregiver’s performance Maintain open communication Ask for regular updates Get feedback from care recipients

7. What financial assistance is available for caregiver services?

You might receive financial assistance from Mediclaims, long-term care insurance, and local government programs. You can do a little research to know more about basic information including the eligibility requirements for each program.

8. How do I verify the background and experience of a caretaker?

Here are some tips that you can implement Background checks Verifying references Checking previous employment history You can also keep them for a trial run to check if their performance suits you.

9.What are the general working hours of a caretaker?

The working hours can vary depending on the needs of the property. Usually, there are three to four options to choose from, including Standard business hours On-call availability Live-in arrangements offering round-the-clock presence.

10. What legal considerations must I be aware of when hiring a caregiver?

Here are a few legal matters that you must consider when hiring a caregiver Be aware of employment laws Run proper background checks Outline the duties and compensations Tax implications (especially in the case of private hires)

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